Thanks for joining us for another issue of Monitoring Weekly!

Monitoring News, Articles, and Blog posts
What’s not Actionable & Business Critical Shouldn’t Ring: Building the Right Alerting System

I’m a big fan of stories about how teams have cut down on unnecessary alerts. This article is particularly interesting because of both the before-and-after numbers and the specifics of how they approached the problem.

How to Utilize the “Heapster + InfluxDB + Grafana” Stack in Kubernetes for Monitoring Pods

This article is exactly as the title suggests and certainly delivers on it with a very in-depth tutorial.

Caveats in metric collection

Sometimes antipatterns creep into monitoring efforts. This article goes through some hard-won lessons found in instrumenting applications for metrics and logs.

Container monitoring using Splunk

Using Docker? Also using Splunk? This post takes you from start to finish on collecting Docker container logs and pushing them into Splunk.

Normalizing sparse time series with Timelion

Frustrated with graphs in Elastic’s Timelion that contain sparse metrics and giving you a false sense of things? This article explains what’s going on and how to fix it.

Metrics @ Robinhood — Part Three

Continuing the parts 1 and 2 from last week, Robinhood releases their complete Riemann configs and how they’re using Riemann.

Who Handles the Call?

The author makes a case that an incident ultimately involves far more teams than just SRE and engineering: PR, legal, customer service, and even HR all have a role to play.

Introducing Monitoring: Insight into Your Infrastructure

Earlier this month, Digital Ocean released a long-awaited feature: monitoring. They’re a little late to the game, but in DO fashion, they’ve done a great job.


A neat little tool to check the status of an HTTP endpoint from the command line, returning JSON results. Think of it like the core functionality of Pingdom, without the UI and internally-hosted.

**[OSQUERY #1 Daniel Hauck - video](**

An introduction to osquery, an OS-agnostic SQL-like tool for asking questions about your servers. I’ve always heard about osquery, but this is the first time I’ve really looked at it. Seems like there could be some interesting application to monitoring with it.

Housekeeping: A new time for Monitoring Weekly

Monitoring Weekly is going to have a new delivery time starting with Issue #008: Wednesdays at 10am EST, with Issue #008 in your inbox on May 10th (instead of May 7th). This change helps with the link curation (since a lot of people write blogs on the weekend) as well as allows the Monitoring Weekly editors to have weekends away from a computer. ;)

Thanks for subscribing to Monitoring Weekly, folks! If you like what you’ve seen, invite your friends and colleagues! As always, if you have interesting articles, news, events, or tools to share, send them our way by replying to this email.

See you next week!

– Mike (@mike_julian) Monitoring Weekly editor