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Catchpoint logoWhat makes a good SRE? Join our upcoming live discussion connecting the findings of the SRE Report 2018 with a real-world profile of a Site Reliability Engineer, detailing how to hire and train SREs, and an exploration of the role and requirements as SREs cement themselves into IT organizations across industries.

Latest Articles on

Observerless: The hottest new thing in monitoring you’re already doing

The (in)famous Corey Quinn of Last Week in AWS recently graced the website of Monitoring Weekly and wrote this gem on a new/old concept: Observerless. Now with video of this talk from ServerlessConf, available at A Cloud Guru.

From The Community

Enterprise Monitoring at Standard Charter Bank (video)

Monitoring in a large enterprise can be really complex, much more so than many cloud-native companies would even expect. Where the complexity of a distributed SaaS app comes from the communication paths between services, that’s merely the start for a large enterprise. I’ve had the pleasure of talking with one of the speakers about some of the challenges they face and the solutions they’re going after are pretty interesting. You can find the slide deck here.

Anomalies Are Like a Gallon of Neapolitan Ice Cream - Part 1, Part 2

Here’s a great one for the Splunk users among you: some seriously awesome example queries for various approaches to anomaly detection.

GitOps Part 3 — Observability

Chock full of references to other awesome articles as well, this article hits on the observability challenges Weaveworks encounters with their gitops-based processes and a few of the solutions they’ve implemented.

“Trust But Verify” Your Metrics

Speaking of lies, my favorite bit of this article is something I run into more than I’d like to admit: bad metrics because I was measuring the wrong thing.

An analysis of Chromium’s paint timing metrics

TL;DR: your browser is lying to you.

o11ycon 2018 Videos

The videos from o11ycon 2018 are now posted. 💯


pietervogelaar/kubernetes-job-monitor: A Kubernetes job monitoring tool


MonitorSF - October 9, 2018 - San Francisco, CA USA

I’m giving a teaser of my upcoming DevOpsDays KC and OSMC talk at MonitorSF in a few weeks. If you’re in SF, come on out.

DevOpsDays Kansas City - October 17-18, 2018 - Kansas City, MO USA

Come on out and hear my pontificate about shitty cars and bad monitoring. There’s $25 off if you use the SEEMIKEJULIAN code at checkout.


I’m launching a job board for monitoring and observability jobs. If you’ve got some monitoring/observability roles you’re trying to fill, how about heading on over there? I’ll be including them here in the newsletter as well.

See you next week!

– Mike (@mike_julian) Monitoring Weekly Editor