I don’t know if I’m just anxious for Monitorama next week or we just got lucky, but it was a genuinely fun issue to gather stories for this week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! 📈🌈🍩

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Not Afraid to Commit? Show it off!

Stop by the Armory table at Monitorama to get your Not Afraid to Commit t-shirt. Visit us at Table D in Portland, June 26-28. Check out Armory.io to learn more about how to enable fast, safe, and reliable deployments (even on a Friday afternoon).

Articles & News on monitoring.love

Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

Understanding Real-Time Application Monitoring

An overview of Expedia’s most important operational metrics across a variety of use cases and service types. If you’re a technical leader in your group, it might be a fun exercise to review these with your team.

The Observability Fastlane

How one company approached their observability journey, along with some excellent tips gained through experience.

Getting Started with Mermaid for Diagramming and Charting

This is a bit of a one-off, but it reminds me that monitoring systems can be a very complicated beast. Easy diagramming is a win for everyone, admins and users alike.

Distributed Tracing — Past, Present and Future

An excellent look at the state of distributed tracing, acknowleding the pains that we’ve experienced up to this point, and some thoughts on where the discipline might be heading.

Monitoring is a Pain

There are some valid frustrations here, but I’ve been in this industry for a long time and literally every piece of software is going to cause heartache sooner or later. Still, I encourage everyone to read this and go make a positive impact where you can.

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New Relic helps customers create more perfect software. The world’s best software and DevOps teams rely on New Relic to move faster, make better decisions and create best-in-class digital experiences. If you run software, you need to run New Relic. (SPONSORED)

Celebrating Grafana 10: Torkel’s top 10 moments

Grafana’s founder reminiscences on some personal and project highlights over the past decade. I’ll never forget the joy of him announcing his new “full-time gig” with us at Monitorama PDX 2014, but can we all agree to pour one out for the old “Raintank Inc” name? 😉🍺

Managing Prometheus Rules via API

Nice to see a community workaround to extend the capabilities of the Prometheus HTTP API.

Guide: How to Mask Sensitive Information Using Fluent Bit

A handy pattern for protecting personal identifiable information (PII) in Fluent Bit using filter plugins.

Grafana 10

Grafana Labs celebrated ten years of Grafana’s existence at their recent GrafanaCON event, including the release of Grafana 10. The new panels look like a nice addition, and the Correlations feature has a lot of potential to consolidate our debugging workflows.

How to create a Monitoring Stack using Kube-Prometheus-stack

Possibly the fastest path to go from zero to full monitoring stack with Prometheus and Loki.



This project enhances the native Prometheus HTTP API by providing additional features and addressing its limitations.


Monitorama 2023 PDX

I’m super excited for this event… there are so many excellent speakers and talks on the agenda. Hope to see you there in person. 😸

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor