This week feels a little different, with an emphasis on systems design, SLOs, and some software updates. Curated to enjoy with an iced coffee and your best friend. Enjoy! 😎🐕‍☕

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Trying to monitor Kubernetes with existing monitoring tools built for VM and monolith-based worlds? You’re going to face challenges. In this guide, learn why monitoring Kubernetes is different from monitoring VM-based infrastructure, how to effectively monitor your Kubernetes environment, software selection tips, and more.

Articles & News on

Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

Slack’s Migration to a Cellular Architecture

This post from Slack engineering doesn’t fall into our usual monitoring and observability themes, but it’s a great read for anyone thinking about observable systems and resiliency.

The Comprehensive Guide to System and Application Monitoring and Establishing Norms

A solid collection of “table stakes” metrics for any production service, including alternatives for either Prometheus or AWS CloudWatch (or both), as applicable.

Grafana Loki: performance optimization with Recording Rules, caching, and parallel queries

Some excellent tips on Loki performance gained from real-world use and frustration. Reminds me of my old Graphite Tips blog posts.

SRE Story with Alex Hidalgo

Interview with someone in the industry I respect a lot. He’s done some great things for SRE, observability, and SLO education. #WalkOps

How to create a SLO for Cloud Run programatically

A helpful pattern for building your own SLO for use with Google’s Cloud Run service.

Navigating the Data Seas: Unraveling the Mysteries of Metrics and Logging

I’m not really sure how to describe this post, but it’s certainly a unique and creative take on explaining some popular observability concepts.

Grafana 10.1 release: all the latest features

Another new Grafana release, this one has some nice usability and power user enhancements. In particular, the flame graph, disconnect values, and trace span filtering look the most interesting to me. I can appreciate the work they put into the alert rule creation workflow, but it still looks fairly cumbersome imho.

Kubernetes v1.28: Introducing native sidecar containers

A quick look at the new native sidecar containers feature for Kubernetes; seems to open up interesting possibilities for observability uses.

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor