So many wonderful, deeply technical posts in our issue today. One of those rare weeks where I learned something from literally every story. Enjoy! 🐰📈🍩

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The commitment to reliability and uptime puts intense pressure on today’s development teams to innovate, release, and remediate at lightning speed, so it’s no surprise that teams are experiencing burnout. In this webinar on demand, learn how engineering leaders can support their team to minimize alert fatigue and burnout.

Articles & News on

Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

Building a network topology of a Kubernetes application in a non-intrusive way

A fascinating rabbit hole of eBPF probes, iptables, and packet headers to map Kubernetes application traffic without client instrumentation.

How We Built the Datadog Heatmap to Visualize Distributions Over Time at Arbitrary Scale

Excellent post from Datadog on the design of their heatmaps and how to decipher the details in the underlying unaggregated data.

Organizing your Grafana k6 performance testing suite: Best practices to get started

We haven’t covered k6 much here, but it’s an awesome project for benchmarking APIs and websites, which can in turn be used to drive SLIs, SLOs, and error budgets.

Logging without Compromising Performance

Performance tips for developers worried about their loggers. Some excellent pointers that are also pretty universal across programming languages.

Observability — Beyond the Single Pane of Glass

While this post feels like it was written for CIOs, there’s a surprising breadth of product knowledge and considerations for Observability teams planning for growth.

Events as the 4th pillar of Booking Observability platform

A look at one of’s custom observability solutions, why it exists, and reasons they’re evaluating OpenTelemetry as a possible replacement.

How to improve the visibility of system internals

How to instrument your web application stack using the RED method, Prometheus and Grafana. I like that the author even thought to include generation examples using Grafanalib.

The Promise and Peril of JSON logging

Some of the advantages and drawbacks of JSON logging at scale.

Persistent Data Structures in VictoriaMetrics (Part 1): vmagent

The beginnings of a series diving into the internals of VictoriaMetrics, for anyone looking to contribute or just wanting a better understanding of its system design.



A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript


Monitorama PDX 2024 - Coming Soon!

Monitorama organizers released the upcoming speakers list and agenda for this year’s upcoming PDX 2024. Exciting to see so many unique topics, I can feel the FOMO rising already. 😅

Monitoring Weekly readers can save $100 off General Admission tickets with the MWEEKLY2024 discount code. Hope to see you there!

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor