Interesting collection of posts this week, with an emphasis on metrics storage, observability costs, and debugging. Enjoy! 🌞🌳📈

Articles & News on

Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

All you need is Wide Events, not “Metrics, Logs and Traces”

Probably one of the best articles I’ve read in a while, managing to glue together the Observability pillars (and more) in a way that clears up a lot of confusion and angst within the tech community.

How One Line of Code Improved Our Learning Experience Performance at almentor

I feel like I’ve heard (and experienced) a similar story many times over my career. Still always fun to read how others work through the debugging process.

Best Practices for Using DORA Metrics to Improve Software Delivery

If you’re not already using DORA metrics (why not?), you should check out this primer from Datadog. An informative post, even if you’re not using their product.

Could AI-Powered Observability Drive CPU-based Pricing Models?

Thoughts on how increasing AI use in Observability products is likely to impact the current pricing conventions.

Apache Doris for log and time series data analysis in NetEase, why not Elasticsearch and InfluxDB?

TIL about Apache Doris, an analytics database seemingly in the same space ClickHouse and VictoriaMetrics. This post looks at one specific company moving both log aggregation and metrics collection off Elasticsearch and InfluxDB, respectively, to Apache Doris.

Optimizing MySQL Database Performance: Identifying and Managing Long Queries

This post is focused on MySQL performance tips for DB admins, but there are some excellent query examples suitable for monitoring purposes.

Observability 2025: Cost as a first class citizen

Numerous considerations for modern Observability costs. Consider this a surface level overview that should be followed up with deeper investigation.

Collecting Metrics with JMX and Prometheus in a Java Application

Instrumenting your Java apps with Prometheus and the JMX exporter. Includes some good context for developers who might be experienced with Java but very little with metrics collection and visualization.



Apache Doris is an easy-to-use, high-performance and real-time analytical database based on MPP architecture


Monitorama PDX 2024 - Coming Soon!

Just two weeks until this year’s Monitorama event in Portland, OR. So much buzz around this year’s agenda and speakers. I genuinely hope I’ll get to see you at the event… please walk up and say hi! 👋

Monitoring Weekly readers can still save $100 off General Admission tickets with the MWEEKLY2024 discount code. Hope to see you there!

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor