Really enjoyed getting to meet many of you at Monitorama this past week in Portland. So many fun conversations and insightful talks, can’t wait to share the videos with everyone soon. This week’s issue is a little shorter due to travel and recuperation, but there are some gems in here. Enjoy! 🔥🪓🔔

Articles & News on

Observability & Monitoring Community Slack

Come hang out with all your fellow Monitoring Weekly readers. I mean, I’m also there, but I’m sure everyone else is way cooler.

From The Community

Learned it the hard way: Don’t use Cilium’s default Pod CIDR

Funny how network misconfigurations always feel obvious in hindsight. Excellent debugging story, props to the author for sharing.

Demystifying Observability 2.0

A look back at some of the possible missteps of “Observability 1.0” and a new framing for our favorite technology domain. This post carries even more weight if you’re already familiar with OpenTelemetry.

The Problem with OpenTelemetry

A part of me empathizes with this complaint, but I also feel like it’s unrealistic to design something as vendor-agnostic as OpenTelemetry and still be optimized for all possible vendor use cases.

Datadog Metrics: The Core Concepts for Success

An excellent primer for understanding Datadog custom metrics cardinality and billing.

Black Box vs White Box Observability in Kubernetes

While I don’t entirely agree with the way the author chose to group (and refer to) some of these concepts, it’s still a solid checklist of considerations for folks newer to observability concerns.

AI & Observability. The Future of Distributed Tracing

A fair bit of koolaid and bias in this one, but still an interesting take on the future of distributed tracing and how AI can address some of its current challenges.

Round 2: A Survey of Causal Inference Applications at Netflix

Heavy on stats but I think you’ll really enjoy this collection of stories from an internal Netflix conference.

Grafana update: Service account tokens are replacing API keys

An announcement from Grafana Labs on their deprecation of API keys in favor of service account tokens.

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor