Pretty eccentric collection of posts this week. From chaos engineering, to DNS monitoring, to Flux annotations, there’s a little bit of everything (except OTel, go figure). Enjoy the variety! 😸🌊🍉

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From The Community

Destroy on Friday! A Chaos Engineering Experiment - Part 1

Fun post from Honeycomb describing a recent chaos engineering experiment. I wish more companies would share these types of learnings.

Observability From a Different Perspective

Strange analogy but still a great way to underscore the importance of observability in a world of unknown unknowns.

Prometheus and Service Discovery: A Perfect Match for Dynamic Environments

A review and comparison of Prometheus’ service discovery capabilities for cloud environments.

Automated Grafana Annotations from Flux Events

How to configure Flux to capture events as Grafana annotations. Definitely a helpful signal for anyone worried about regressions and reliability.

Proactive PostgreSQL Database(s) Performance Scanner

An opinionated script for checking Postgres query performance and providing suggested remediations. Not a monitoring tool per se, but no doubt there are some observability engineers out there who could benefit from this.

Automate Subdomain Monitoring

I have so many questions about the necessity for a tool like this; or perhaps, the feasibility of it in the ege of ephemeral systems. Still, an interesting collection of utilities for a very peculiar use case.

Real-Time DNS Monitoring

A wildly different take on DNS monitoring, this time with a custom packet capture utility. Probably not something you’d throw into production, but the learnings from such a tool could be a good addition to your toolbox.

Analyzing Prometheus Metrics with Spark and Athena: Uncovering Hidden Insights

Neat approach for analytical digging into Prometheus performance concerns.

See you next week!

– Jason (@obfuscurity) Monitoring Weekly Editor